Canon FC 1
Hello, I have seen many instances of the 6A00 error in this forum and understand it is usually to do with the purge unit.
My printer will power on, cycle the paper feed rollers, raise/lower the white platten rollers, lower and raise the print head shaft/carriage, then there is a brief whirring noise ( 1 sec) and then it reports the 6A00 error. The green and amber LED on the panel blink alternately.
The print head is free to move on the shaft, not binding anywhere, but at no time does it move during the power up process, regardess of where it is located along the shaft.
In most instances it appears a detailed instruction list for disassembly/checking of the purge unit is sent - is it possible to get a copy of this please.
Many thanks.

Canon Mp610 Printer Software


Printer Error Canon Mp258

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energylogix – 2019