
A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide) is the only globally recognized standard of practice for business analysis. Developed through a rigorous consensus-driven standards process, the BABOK® Guide incorporates the collective wisdom and experience of experts in the field from around the world. Previous editions have guided hundreds of thousands of professionals in their work, and it has been adopted by hundreds of enterprises as the basis of their business analysis practice. This latest version of the guide extends its scope beyond business analysis in projects to address agile development, business process management, business intelligence, and business architecture. This thoroughly revised and updated version includes: • A concept model that unifies ideas and terminology across business analysis disciplines. • Restructured knowledge areas to support business analysis at every level from small tactical initiatives to major business transformations. • Five perspectives covering the most prominent business analysis disciplines and demonstrating how to apply the knowledge areas in different situations. • Coverage of new business analysis techniques that have gained wide acceptance in the community. • Updated and revised content in every knowledge area and more! Whether you are considering starting a career in business analysis, or you are an experienced professional in the field, the BABOK® Guide is your key resource to help you and your stakeholders discover opportunities for business success, deliver successful organizational change, and create business value.

Babok v3 study guideРазвернутьBABOK v3 - A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge / Руководство к своду знаний по бизнес-анализу, издание 3Babok guide

BABOK Guide v3 - PM-Partners group - As the BABOK Guide v3 is 2015 with A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.

Год издания: 2015
Автор: IIBA
Жанр или тематика: IT, Business Analysis
BabokИздательство: IIBA
ISBN-13: 978-1927584026
ISBN-10: 1927584027
Серия: BABOK

Business Analysis Body Of Knowledge

Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: оригинальный pdf формат (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 514
Описание (оригинал):
BABOK® Guide v3 is the essential standard to help practitioners and their stakeholders deliver business value and create better business outcomes. BABOK® Guide is the most credible and authoritative source of knowledge and practices for business analysis.
The new version expands the scope of business analysis, providing essential direction and support for practitioners in areas such as agile, business intelligence, information technology, business architecture and business process management.
Описание на русском:

Business Analysis Body Of Knowledge Pdf

Руководство BABOK® v3 является фактически стандартом помощи для практикантов и заинтересованных сторон для представления оценки бизнеса и достижения лучших бизнес-результатов. Руководство BABOK® является наиболее надежным и авторитетным источником знаний и практик для бизнес-анализа.

Babok Guide Pdf

Новое издание расширяет охват бизнес-анализа, обеспечивая основное направление и поддержку практикующим в таких областях, как бизнес-исследование, информационные технологии, бизнес-архитектура и управление бизнес-процессами.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the BABOK® Guide 1
1.2 What is Business Analysis? 2
1.3 Who is a Business Analyst? 2
1.4 Structure of the BABOK® Guide 3
Chapter 2: Business Analysis Key Concepts
2.1 The Business Analysis Core Concept Model™ 12
2.2 Key Terms 14
2.3 Requirements Classification Schema 16
2.4 Stakeholders 16
2.5 Requirements and Designs 19
Chapter 3: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
3.1 Plan Business Analysis Approach 24
3.2 Plan Stakeholder Engagement 31
3.3 Plan Business Analysis Governance 37
3.4 Plan Business Analysis Information Management 42
3.5 Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements 47
Chapter 4: Elicitation and Collaboration
4.1 Prepare for Elicitation 56
4.2 Conduct Elicitation 61
4.3 Confirm Elicitation Results 65
4.4 Communicate Business Analysis Information 67
4.5 Manage Stakeholder Collaboration 71
Chapter 5: Requirements Life Cycle Management
5.1 Trace Requirements 79
5.2 Maintain Requirements 83
5.3 Prioritize Requirements 86
5.4 Assess Requirements Changes 91
5.5 Approve Requirements 95
Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis
6.1 Analyze Current State 103
6.2 Define Future State 110
6.3 Assess Risks 120
6.4 Define Change Strategy 124
Chapter 7: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
7.1 Specify and Model Requirements 136
7.2 Verify Requirements 141
7.3 Validate Requirements 144
7.4 Define Requirements Architecture 148
7.5 Define Design Options 152
7.6 Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solution 157
Chapter 8: Solution Evaluation
8.1 Measure Solution Performance 166
8.2 Analyze Performance Measures 170
8.3 Assess Solution Limitations 173
8.4 Assess Enterprise Limitations 177
8.5 Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value 182
Chapter 9: Underlying Competencies
9.1 Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving 188
9.2 Behavioural Characteristics 194
9.3 Business Knowledge 199
9.4 Communication Skills 203
9.5 Interaction Skills 207
9.6 Tools and Technology 211
Chapter 10: Techniques
10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria 217
10.2 Backlog Management 220
10.3 Balanced Scorecard 223
10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis 226
10.5 Brainstorming 227
10.6 Business Capability Analysis 230
10.7 Business Cases 234
10.8 Business Model Canvas 236
10.9 Business Rules Analysis 240
10.10 Collaborative Games 243
10.11 Concept Modelling 245
10.12 Data Dictionary 247
10.13 Data Flow Diagrams 250
10.14 Data Mining 253
10.15 Data Modelling 256
10.16 Decision Analysis 261
10.17 Decision Modelling 265
10.18 Document Analysis 269
10.19 Estimation 271
10.20 Financial Analysis 274
10.21 Focus Groups 279
10.22 Functional Decomposition 283
10.23 Glossary 286
10.24 Interface Analysis 287
10.25 Interviews 290
10.26 Item Tracking 294
10.27 Lessons Learned 296
10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 297
10.29 Mind Mapping 299
10.30 Non-Functional Requirements Analysis 302
10.31 Observation 305
10.32 Organizational Modelling 308
10.33 Prioritization 311
10.34 Process Analysis 314
10.35 Process Modelling 318
10.36 Prototyping 323
10.37 Reviews 326
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management 329
10.39 Roles and Permissions Matrix 333
10.40 Root Cause Analysis 335
10.41 Scope Modelling 338
10.42 Sequence Diagrams 341
10.43 Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas 344
10.44 State Modelling 348
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire 350
10.46 SWOT Analysis 353
10.47 Use Cases and Scenarios 356
10.48 User Stories 359
10.49 Vendor Assessment 361
10.50 Workshops 363
Chapter 11: Perspectives
11.1 The Agile Perspective 368
11.2 The Business Intelligence Perspective 381
11.3 The Information Technology Perspective 394
11.4 The Business Architecture Perspective 408
11.5 The Business Process Management Perspective 424
Appendix A: Glossary 441
Appendix B: Techniques to Task Mapping 457
Appendix C: Contributors 473
Appendix D: Summary of Changes from BABOK® Guide v 2.0 483
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